I was born in Tenerife in 1978, where I have my family, most of my friends and my roots. A wonderful land that has seen me grow and mature as a person.
Part of my professional career took place in Barcelona, a cozy metropolis and one of the national leaders in the IT industry, although new challenges brought me back to the Canary Islands.
Since I was a child, I have been interested in the world of technology and computers, a fact that is very common nowadays but it wasn’t so much in the 80s. Most of my youth was closely linked to La Salle schools. To them, I owe a lot about my personal development and human values.
I spent over twelve years of my spare time at Spanish Red Cross, primarily as Emergency Volunteer and Instructor (E.M.S. and lifeguarding). I was also managing projects at Training Department and managing a Local Chapter as Director. It was a very rewarding stage in my life because it helped me to shape my character. I keep very good memories, a lot of experiences, and an important group of people in my heart.
Today my reduced spare time is diversified into a variety of activities, which I cannot give a right periodicity but it allows me to have some dynamism: reading (mainly about business and technology), some sports, the Japanese culture, technological blogosphere, and series on streaming.